

Zoom Fatigue is BS

As folks return to commuting to an office outside the home, I’ve noticed something curious… some people seem to continue having the same amount of zoom meetings as they did while working from home. But now, they’re in the office. And the rest of their workday is spent staring at […]


Virtual Film Showcase Case Study

Last week we held a cool never-before-done online film showcase where at one time we had two guest hosts in the same virtual theatre space, yet were really over 4,000 miles apart. This live event served as an in-depth test of our vr solutions geared to allow any unforeseen issues […]

General, Industry News, Tips & Tricks

The Dilution of Corporate Culture

VISION. VALUES. PRACTICES. PEOPLE. NARRATIVE. PLACE. According to the Harvard Business Review, these are the 6 Components of a Great Corporate Culture. “Place — whether geography, architecture, or aesthetic design — impacts the values and behaviors of people in a workplace.”  – John Coleman, Harvard Business Review With “Place” and […]

General, Tips & Tricks


We Do Video Right That’s because we care about your customers. Only when we know what drives your audience, what motivates them, will we be able to help you reach new heights with your Brand, and your bottom line. Video done right has a way to make that happen. NOW […]

General, Video

A New Way To Engage Your Workforce

Now that much of the country’s workforce is remote, it is more imperative to maintain good relations with employees. Think back to your 2020 Holiday Party, if you had one. For those of you in fairly large organizations, how was it? Many people I know mentioned things like… chaotic zoom […]